Full solar installation for Milton Grange

CDS Electrical has installed a large 56kw solar system with Tesla Battery at Milton Grange, Eastbourne.

Milton Grange is a dedicated mental health service for older people. It provides dignified, supportive and personal short-term care, including rehabilitation, for older people whose mental health and physical frailties make it impractical for them to live in their own home at that time.

The solar panel system was installed last year and it is already achieving predicted energy savings.

In addition, CDS Electrical also replaced lighting throughout the care home – a total of 788 lights.  The energy-saving LED lights have improved the lighting and learning experience for the staff and residents, as well as reducing energy costs.

Our electricians liaised with staff on the accessible areas and worked around the residents who live at the facility.


St Wilfrid’s Hospice air-con installation